About WinDroid ID (EN)

Welcome to windroid.id/en/ and I hope those of you who read this blog are always healthy and happy. Finally, after thinking for a long time, the author ventured to do these writings.

The windroid.id/en/ blog is intended for those of you who want to learn the ins and outs of the insurance world and of course want to find the best insurance recommendations for the future.

A little about the author, currently I am a blogger in a small country in Jambi.

This blog certainly has many shortcomings and needs further development in the future. Therefore, suggestions and constructive criticism are most welcome.

Update 14 July 2023

Currently, the windroid.id/en/ blog will expand the topic of discussion in a broader direction. Such as insurance and health recommendations in the world.

Content contributors will be filled by competent people in the world of writing and insurance, of course.

For those of you who want to apply for cooperation, we are very open, Sis. Please go directly to the contact page. Happy reading everyone…