Insurance Agency vs Company: Choose One to Insure Yours!

What makes insurance tricky is not only adjusting quotes or premiums to our current financial condition. Choosing which path of insurance is sometimes also hard to decide. Insurance agency vs company, they both offer similar services. However, they are basically different since the beginning and we are here for it. 


What is Insurance Agency vs Company?

The initial process of insurance is obviously choosing which path to purchase it. We know that nowadays, the number of insurance agents increases significantly as companies also dominate the country. Then, between insurance agency vs company, what actually differs them in general?

First, an insurance company is the one that sells insurance products, underwrites policies, pays claims, and carries all risks as it is approved by both parties earlier. Meanwhile, an insurance agency is an individual or collective of people who are also representative of one or more companies to help customers ensure theirs. 

Insurance Agency vs Company: How Do They Work? 

Once again, insurance agencies and companies are obviously different from the very fundamental element. When companies have a responsibility to financially cover their customers’ assets, then agents will not do that. So, how do each of them associate with their customers? 

1. Insurance Agency

Insurance agencies may be everywhere since they have a lot of connections. Then, how do these agents actually work?

a. Types of Agents

Do you know that agents are actually divided into two? Yes, they are. As mentioned earlier, agents can be individual or collective people. The individual agent is called independent. These agents are able to represent one or more companies to sell their products. 

Then, the second is an exclusive agent. They are exclusive because the authorization only enables them to represent one particular company. In some cases, these agents are also called captive agents. 

b. How Agents Work

Just in case we missed it, in comparison between insurance agency vs company, what differs between them the most is the management structure. 

When companies are structurally coordinated, then insurance agencies are most likely not. They may work individually or if it has more people, their management scale is relatively smaller. 

As mentioned earlier, insurance agents have two types, independent and exclusive. Independent agents are most likely to represent more of what companies they finally represent depending on the customer’s decision. For example, when customers want to insure under AllState, so the agent can make it possible for them.

So, can we shop around before making a decision? Fortunately, yes. Having agent service in insurance applications enables you to compare quotes from one company to another. Then, if you already find the suitable one, you may register for it so the agent can forward your application request to the chosen company. 

2. Insurance Company

Actually, if we compare an insurance agency vs company, the only trusted and most credible one is the company. Since it has more clear management, insuring directly to the company is reliable because we can get in touch directly with them once the problem happens. Then, what do companies actually do to serve their customers? 

a. Company Covers Everything

We can say that a company can do and cover what agents cannot. Simply, even though you have registered with an agent, you still need to contact the company directly for several businesses. 

For example, you should reach out to the company immediately to talk about your bills. Then, when you want to make a claim, it is also suggested to contact them. Hereby, we can say that once you purchase with an agent, you actually create two separate relationships. One with your agents, and the rest with your company. 

What does the company cover? They cover everything since they are the ones that underwrite your policy, decide premiums, and cover all finance protection for any damage. 

b. Well-recognized by The Government

What makes insurance companies more credible is the fact they are eligible for government acknowledgment. Since these companies move into assets protection kind of thing, the government needs to ensure they are financially above the average to do this duty. 

In addition, the comparison of insurance agency vs company also results in the fact that companies actually have types as well. Based on its ownership, there are mutual companies that are owned by their policyholders and the other one is under-shareholders called proprietary companies. 

Insurance Agency VS Company: Plus and Minus

The decision of whether to insure through an agent or company is totally your choice. After analyzing how each insurer works, we have collected several plus and minus points. Then, which insurer performs the best? 

1. Insurance Agency: Plus and Minus

What we will discuss here might be points of your consideration before deciding what kind of insurers you choose. Starting from insurance agencies, they obviously do not have several things that companies have. 

Let’s start with the cons points, and the first one is about their service. Since they are only agents and most of them are not authorized by the company directly, then they tend to be slower in response. Second, your premiums will likely be more expensive because agents take some as their commission.

Other than that, what makes agents should be considered as well is that you can shop around to compare which company’s quotes suit you the best. Moreover, they also can elaborate more about the coverage and everything in detail. Even when you are in trouble after the registration, they will help you to make it clear. 

2. Insurance Company: Plus and Minus

Starting from the cons, sometimes when purchasing immediately from the company, you have no one to share. Simply, you should decide everything by yourself. 

In this case, the agent’s role must be important, actually. Even when you find some complicated terms, the company does not have enough time to explain them in detail. 

That is the only point that makes people sometimes prefer to look for agents instead. Moving to pros, the company does everything from deciding your premiums to providing finance coverage. Additionally, when you already know your needs well, the registration process will not take a long time and without any intermediary. 

Insurance Agency vs Company: Who Performs The Best? 

The insurance agency vs company battle is finally finalized. Both agents and companies are equally good. Deciding which one is the best out of them is actually based on your needs. Simply, when your friend does it through agents, does not mean you have to do so. So, which of both will you trust to buy insurance?


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